Monday, March 30, 2009

2009 Chorus Reunion

August 6th – 9th

Location: Near Portland, Oregon
Hosts: Jen and James McDonnell
Director: Diane Smith from Green Bay, WI
Accompanist: Ken Noble, from Mesa, AZ

This year's reunion includes two special concerts for area Veterans and a fun filled time for the group. Lots of time for sightseeing, strolls on the beaches, get-togethers, and sharing our love of music with fellow veterans. Our hosts were in the chorus during the 90s, our director, the 80s, and our accompanist, the 70s. Present will be members of the chorus from all the time periods, from its beginnings in the 1960s to more present times, including Dave Klick, our very first Unit Commander who founded the group in 1963. This promises to be a fun filled 3 day weekend in an area of the country that we have never been before for one of our reunions. We hope that you can come and join us.For those who have never attended our reunions, they are fun outings. The entire family is welcome. We visit with one another and catch up on the goings on of our friends across the country. We listen to tapes, CDs, DVDs, people bring from their time in chorus.. look at pictures.. share memories of our time on the risers. We sing informally around guitars at night (provided folks bring them) and formally on the stage. Unlike our days in the Army, we sing with our music in binders so there is no need to memorize the songs as we once did.. and our families and fiends who care to join us on the risers are welcome, provided they take the time to learn the music, as best they can. These reunions are a time for old friends and new ones. Whether you have 100 from your time period showing or you are its representive, please come. You will not be disappointed. You (and your family) will find, if you don't already realize, that we all shared similar experiences during our time in the Chorus, and in many cases, sang many of the same songs. Our reunions are for us, and also for fellow veterans, as we try to put on a show each year for local Veteran facilities and/or groups.

That said, we are sensitive to the amount of time people want to be cooped up in rehearsal, so we will be loading the music online at this location and asking you to download and rehearse the music. For those of us who are non-sight readers, Ken Noble has generously volunteered to help us make sectional recordings, which we will try to load to this site, as well. We hope to have a program out soon so that you will know which songs to "study" and would like each of you who plan to sing at the reunion to place your music into a 3 ring binder (white if possible) and bring it with you to the reunion. Please make your reservations as the rooms will be going fast. If you need to room with someone to cut expenses, let me know and will try to get word out to the group and get you hooked up. We are asking folks to arrive on Thursday if at all possible. We hope to see you in the great Northwest this summer. Your friends,Steve and Kerry Millman
Please direct any questions to
>>> 2009 Reunion AGENDA